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Do You Have a Personal Injury Case?


Personal injury law helps protect individuals harmed due to another person’s or entity’s negligence or intentional actions. It provides a pathway for the injured party to seek compensation. This legal framework is crucial because it aims to restore the victim to their previous state, covering medical expenses, lost wages, and other accident-related losses.

You shouldn't have to bear the financial burden for an incident that wasn't your fault. Recognizing whether you have a legitimate claim is the first step toward economic recovery. This evaluation often involves understanding the nuances of negligence—proving that the other party was at fault and that their fault caused your injuries.

An attorney can assist in this process. They can help by evaluating the details of your case, advising on the likelihood of a successful claim, and outlining the potential paths forward. This guidance is crucial, especially in complex scenarios where multiple parties might be involved or where the details of the law are particularly intricate.

If you've been injured in Glendale and believe you might have a personal injury claim, schedule a consultation with Law Offices of Wax & Wax by calling (818) 946-0608 or messaging us online.

Criteria for Assessing a Personal Injury Case

When assessing whether you have a valid personal injury claim, it's essential to understand the legal criteria that underpin such cases. The outcome can hinge on demonstrating these elements clearly and convincingly.

The Role of Negligence

Negligence is a fundamental concept in most personal injury cases. It involves proving that the person or entity responsible for your injury failed to act with the level of care that a reasonably prudent person would have used under similar circumstances.

Negligence can manifest in many ways, such as a driver not paying attention to the road or a business owner neglecting to maintain safe premises.

Intentional Acts as a Cause of Action

In addition to negligence, personal injury claims can also be based on intentional acts. Unlike negligence, intentional torts involve deliberate actions that cause harm. A classic example is battery, where an individual intentionally strikes or otherwise contacts another person in a harmful or offensive manner, leading to injury.

Having Suffered Injury

To file a claim, you must have something to be compensated for. In other words, you must have sustained injuries that resulted in expenses and losses.

Damages can be awarded for the following:

  • Physical injury. These include the costs of medical treatment, rehabilitation, and any long-term care needed due to the injury.
  • Emotional injury. Injuries can also lead to non-physical suffering, such as pain, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment in life.
  • Financial burdens. Often, injuries result in financial burdens like lost wages, loss of earning capacity, and other out-of-pocket expenses.

Establishing Causation Between Negligence and Damages

Causation is another critical element in personal injury cases. It is not enough to show that the defendant was negligent; you must also prove that this negligence was the direct cause of damages. This means establishing a link between the defendant's actions (or inactions) and your injury. For instance, if a store owner neglects to clean up a spill and you slip, you must show that the fall directly resulted in your injuries and subsequent damages.

Recognizing the Timeframe for Taking Legal Action

The statute of limitations sets a deadline for when a personal injury lawsuit must be filed in court. If you fail to file a lawsuit within this period, you will likely forfeit your right to seek compensation for your injuries, regardless of their severity. This rule is designed to protect defendants from the indefinite threat of litigation and to encourage the prompt resolution of disputes.

In California, the statute of limitations for most personal injury claims is two years from the date of the injury. If you do not file within this window, the court may dismiss your case, barring a few exceptions.

Steps to Take if You Believe You Have a Case

If you believe you have a personal injury case, take specific steps immediately after the incident to safeguard your health and strengthen your potential legal claim.

Here’s a structured approach you can follow:

  • Seek medical attention. Your health is the priority. Visit a hospital or a doctor as soon as possible after the incident. Medical records will be vital in documenting the extent of your injuries and serve as evidence of the impact and immediacy of the incident.
  • Report the incident. Depending on the nature of the injury, it's important to file a report. This documentation can be crucial in establishing the facts of the case.
  • Gather evidence. If possible, collect physical evidence from the scene of the incident. Take photographs of the area, your injuries, and anything else that might be relevant. Obtain contact information from witnesses who saw what happened. Keep a diary of your physical and emotional state following the injury.

Consult an Attorney

Consulting with a personal injury lawyer as soon as you can is crucial. An attorney can offer critical legal advice specific to your case and help you understand your rights and the potential for compensation.

A lawyer can also handle negotiations with insurance companies and defendants on your behalf. They can guide you through the complexities of the legal process, including filing a lawsuit if necessary.

Seek legal guidance in Glendale if you were in an accident where another party was at fault. Call Law Offices of Wax & Wax at or contact us online today.

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